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Duckie User Guide

Duckie is your task manager to manage all your tasks.

Table of contents


Add new tasks

Add tasks so that Duckie can manage them for you! You can add the following types of tasks:

  1. Todo - A simple task with only a description
  2. Deadline - A task containing a deadline
  3. Event - A task containing the date of event

List all the tasks

List all the input tasks in the current task list and check their status

Delete tasks

Delete unwanted tasks in the current task list. You can choose to delete all tasks at one go as well.

Find tasks

Search for tasks based on keyword you have input.

Mark tasks as done

Each task has its own status and can be marked done when required.

Sort events or deadline based on their dates

Sort the event tasks, or the deadline tasks based on their dates in chronological order.

Exit the platform

Input bye command and exit the platform to say goodbye to Duckie.


todo - A simple task with only a description

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

Example of usage: todo borrow books

Expected outcome:

"Quack! Added: 
[T][✘] borrow books
Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.

deadline - A task containing a deadline

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by d MMM YYYY

Example of usage: deadline Quiz /by 21 Aug 2020

Expected outcome:

"Quack! Added: 
[D][✘] Quiz (by: Fri, 21 Aug 2020)
Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.

event - A task containing a date of event

Format: event DESCRIPTION /at d MMM YYYY HH:MM a

Example of usage: event Dance Night /at 21 Aug 2020 07:30 PM

Expected outcome:

"Quack! Added: 
[E][✘] Dance Night (at: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:30 PM)
Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.

list - List all the tasks in the task list

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome:

"Quack! You have these in your list currently:
1. [T][✘] borrow books
2. [D][✘] Quiz (by: Fri, 21 Aug 2020)
3. [E][✘] Dance Night (at: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:30 PM)

delete - Delete a particular task based on the index in the list

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage: delete 2

Expected outcome:

"Quack! I've removed this task: 
[D][✘] Quiz (by: Fri, 21 Aug 2020)

delete all - Clear all the tasks in the list

Format: delete all

Expected outcome:

Quack! All tasks are cleared in the list!

find - Search for tasks based on a keyword you have input

Format: find KEYWORD

Example of usage: find quiz

Expected outcome:

Quack! Duckie found these matching tasks:
1. [D][✘] Quiz (by: Fri, 21 Aug 2020)

done - Mark task based on the index in the list to be done

Format: done INDEX

Example of usage: done 2

Expected outcome:

Quack! I've marked this task as done:
[E][✓] Dance Night (at: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 07:30 PM)

sort deadline - Sort tasks based on the deadline in chronological order

Format: sort deadline

Expected outcome:

Quack! The following are your Deadline tasks from the earliest to the latest.
1. [D][✘] Quiz (by: Fri, 21 Aug 2020)
2. [D][✘] CS2101 Reflection (by: Sun, 23 Aug 2020)

sort event - Sort tasks based on the event date in chronological order

Format: sort event

Expected outcome:

Quack! The following are your Event tasks from the earliest to the latest.
1. [E][✘] Homecoming (at: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 12:30 PM)
2. [E][✘] Birthday Party (at: Sun, 23 Aug 2020 4:30 PM)

bye - Exit the platform

Format: bye

List of Commands

Features Command Inputs
deadline deadline DESCRIPTION /by d MMM YYYY
event event DESCRIPTION /at d MMM YYYY HH:MM a
list list
delete delete INDEX
delete all delete all
find find INDEX
done done INDEX
sort deadline sort deadline
sort event sort event
bye bye